Tuesday, October 2, 2012

No Nasties!

I spent today doing a fun little photo shoot for an awesome organic, fair-trade t-shirt company called No Nasties.  IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!  I'm generally the girl behind the camera, so it was fun to be the one being photographed for a change...I was even attacked by a goat!

I confess that the fair-trade and organic movement is something I have been aware of for a while, and it was always a lifestyle that I admired but - like many people - looked forward to living when I was "grown up" and could afford it.   When I first came to India in 2010, however, I worked with academic programs at an NGO and the opportunities I had with them allowed me to experience firsthand the importance of organic and fair trade food and products. I researched farmer suicides on the ground in Kerala and interacted with child labourers in northern Karnataka.  I spent a day on an incredible organic farm with an amazing man who has been fighting against multinational seed companies for the majority of his life.  These experiences made the movement personal; I was led to do more research and to learn even more about why fair trade and organic is the best route for me, the land, the animals, the farmers, and - last but certainly not least - the people involved in production.  While I can't say that I live a completely fair-trade, green, and clean life, I do my best to make informed decisions about the food I buy, the products I use, and the clothes I wear.

Here's my challenge to you: explore organic and fair-trade for yourself!  No Nasties does a great job of telling the story behind the importance of organic and fair trade and how you can help.

And here's my shameless plug: if you're into ethical fashion, check out No Nasties.  If you're not into ethical fashion but you're into t-shirts, check out No Nasties.  You just might find yourself into ethical fashion quite soon :)  Are they asking me to do this? No way, Jose.  I just love companies like No Nasties that are passionate about what they do, passionate about people, passionate about making change...and passionate about cute clothes!  

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