Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To London to London

I had been in 14 airports in 21 days.  I was ready for a vacation, and had no qualms with the fact that Heathrow would be airport #16!!

I was so used to traveling with a group of travelers that I caught myself looking around as I got off the plane; a visual sweep to make sure everyone was getting off (why they wouldn't, I don't know!  But it's the group leader in me).  As I walked towards immigration thinking of the things that I had to do (get through immigration, find an ATM, double check my hotel address), it hit me: I was by myself.  I was on my own time.  I didn't have to keep an eye on anybody but myself.  I took a deep breath and I smiled.  I got through immigration and moseyed my way towards baggage claim.  Rambled around until I found an ATM.  Went to the bathroom - without informing anybody that I was going! - and retrieved my suitcase.  And before I went out to the taxi stand, I stopped at Costa and bought a latte.  Just because I could. (Bonus: they even had a gluten-free brownie! Heck yes I snatched that up!)

When I walked out the sliding doors towards the cab stand, a blast of cool air hit me.  It was autumn. I was in London.  I was on my own time.  My family was waiting for me.  My cabbie asked my destination, and I settled into the backseat with a smile.  Not just any smile, though.  The kind of smile that comes from deep within, warms every part of your body, and explodes out your mouth - the kind you wouldn't be able to keep in if you tried.  I sipped my latte and watched the scenery become more and more urban as we entered the city.  I realized that most foreigners are startled by the fact that the British drive on the left side of the road...but I live in India; I'm used to that.  I was more awestruck by the ORDER and DISCIPLINE with which we were driving!  I smiled again.  I live in India.  I'm rendezvousing with some of my favorite people in London.  I start to see landmarks that I recognize, and another smile explodes.  This is a good beginning to a great first day of the best vacation I have had in a very, very long time.  My family. Starbucks. Union Jack souvenir kitsch. Zara. Liberty London.  People watching. Spanish food. Gelato. Bathrobes. Gluten-Free bread. Brisk autumn breezes. Meeting new people. Learning.  Dancing. Being.  So many things that I love, all in the same place at the same time.  And it was only day one.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Explorer Store

This is my favorite store in all of Bangalore, rivaled ONLY by the Mysore Saree Udyog.  I mean, let's be honest, it's hard to say that the store you walk into and cry because it's so BEAUTIFUL isn't in the running for your favorite store [Ahem - those of you who love textiles will understand].

BUT.  This isn't Mysore Saree.  This is The Explorer Store.  At least, that's what I call it...I'm not sure that it has a name.  It is the store that sells trinkets and artifacts collected from all of India over years and years and years.  We once found an antique Tibetan Prayer reel with a stale and discolored, ages-old prayer rolled up inside. One afternoon, I sat with the owner while he told me the history of India through coins.  #Winning

I get excited just looking at it.  It is a single-aisle store with every inch of wall and ceiling space used to the fullest.  And it is absolutely amazing.

Monday, September 3, 2012

High School Heaven

Today we spent time visiting high schools in the mountains.  I still can't decide whether I would have been a better student in this kind of environment or if I would have been too distracted by the views to get anything done!

not a bad place for a pool!

Night Train

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Into Mussoorie

A misty afternoon drive up windy roads into the foothills of the Himalayas.  A rainy night at an old English manor tucked into the hillside town.  Wearing multiple layers and sitting curled up by the fireplace reading a book.  My cheeks hurt from smiling, and the beauty refreshed my soul.  My life is amazing, and I love it when it's Pinterest-worthy, too!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


And we had a day of rest.
A sweltering day of rest, swimming through the incredible Delhi heat and humidity.  Seriously, I think I lost 5 pounds in water weight it was just that hot.
We had a day of rest, but that doesn't mean our work was done! It was time to do the tourist thing; we took our guests on the Delhi tourist route: Dilly Haat and the India Gate.  Despite the heat, it was absolutely incredible to have a break from hotels and high schools and to be a part of life again.  To see beautiful things, touch beautiful fabrics, gaze upon antiques and chat up shopkeepers.  To hear birds, to peoplewatch, to eat real food, to stand beneath the India Gate.  It is wonderful being alive, isn't it?