
13 April 2012 - Boarding School

I think I would have been an even better student if I had gone to a school secluded in a valley of the Himalayan foothills and filled with flowers and open air...this isn't EPHS, folks.

8 April 2012 - He is Risen Indeed

Very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, carrying the spices that they had prepared.  When they found the stone rolled away from the entrance, they went in.  But they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus, and they did not know what to think.  Suddenly, two men in shining white clothes stood beside them [and] said, "Why are you looking in the place of the dead for someone who is alive?  Jesus isn't here!  He has been raised from death.  Remember that while he was still in Galilee, he told you, 'The Son of Man will be handed over to sinners who will nail him to a cross.  But three days later he will rise to life.'"  Then they remembered what Jesus had said. (Luke 24:1-8)

15 December 2011 - Paris

I've really been craving Paris (and some good art) recently - Musee de Louvre, Musee D'Orsay, L'Orangerie, the Toulleries gardens, Montmarte, outdoor cafes, and good wine.  I don't know when time or money will allow another ramble down the Champs Elysees, so until then, here's to you, dear City of Lights

14 November 2011 - Children's Day
Today is Children's Day in India, a holiday that we don't remember in the United States.  Here, there are school programs and festivities celebrating children.  This photo is titled Precious and was taken when I was traveling in Wayanad, Kerala, in 2010.  The child is the daughter of Adivasi (native/tribal) women and lives in a small house in a clearing in the jungle.  She is the majority of India; she is the future of India.  She is precious.

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