Sunday, November 6, 2011

One Year Later

Tonight my house became a home.
Although my little apartment isn't "finished"
and there are still things I want to do -
hang my clocks on the wall,
buy a rug,
turn my maintenance room into an inspiration room -
I knew that in reality it would never be "finished"
and if I didn't have a housewarming party soon,
I never would.

I had 10 people to my humble space
and it was full of warmth, laughter, and conversation
until 1am.
As many of you know, I have a weird memory thing
that allows me to remember
exactly what happened on what day
in days gone by.
It's my "special gift",
as a new friend just named it.

What happened on this day last year?
Read the blog entry from November 6, 2010.
I said goodbye to dear friends,
faced the reality that in no time I would be saying goodbye forever,
and bawled like a baby, holding my girls.

One year later,
I live in Bangalore.
Goodbyes are no longer forever,
I see my girls often,
and one of those dear friends is sitting on my couch.

Life is funny,
God is sovereign.
It only makes me wonder with a smile
What a year from today will hold...

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