Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Fu…Fu (Pronounced “foo…foo”). This was the theme for “Visthar Day”, which we celebrated at work today. It was a day of celebrating memories, celebrating the history of Visthar, celebrating the present, and looking towards the future. What is Fu…Fu, you ask? Well, let me explain. It actually is the initials “f-u”…twice, which stand as abbreviations for “Food Unlimited…Fun Unlimited.”

We kicked the day off with a delicious potluck to which everybody brought their specialty. We have staff speaking several languages and from several different parts of the country, so there was quite a feast for us. Then, from 2:30-5:30 we had what would be considered by most to be an office talent show. There was singing and dancing, poetry, drumming and a skit. I work with some seriously talented people. The “Vistharite” was announced (aka employee of the year…as well as an honorable mention) and a “Diversity Cake” was served (this was my part – Melissa and I made a cake that had 3 different layers bound together with frosting and an almond design on top showing the journey that is life and how each individual contributes to the beauty of it).

After the cutting of the cake, the boss left and it turned into a regular office karaoke party. The mike was passed from person to person, and there was food and laughter and dancing and singing. The fact that we had “Visthar Day” doesn’t surprise me in the least, because they do a lot to cultivate a community culture here. But today gave me an opportunity to spend time with my colleagues in a different manner, and it bonded us in a way that meeting for coffee or morning reflection never will.

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