Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Love India

This evening I was standing in line to board a flight to Pune.  As I waited in the long line (which was more like a crowded, smooshing blob than a line - I'm in India, remember?) I glanced at the flat-screen plasma TV on the left to see if I could get a peek at the news.  Instead of the news, it was a commercial for Incredible India.

Breathtaking scenes from across the country played, and although I couldn't hear the music over the airport din, I could hear it in my mind.  I can hear it now, actually.  I watched as women dressed in every color carried bundles on their heads, as elephants played and sprayed water in a palm tree-lined river.

Suddenly, something bubbled up in my stomach.  It was that happy and excited feeling, and I couldn't stop it; it burst onto my face as a huge smile.  I live here, I thought.  The feeling continued, the smile pressed on, and I probably would have squealed if it wouldn't have been slightly disruptive.  I felt so silly, boasting a beaming grin and eyes big with anticipation as I walked onto the plane.  People must have thought I was going home, but alas that won't be for another 5 months (But don't worry, Mom, my smile will be even bigger then).

Why the heck do I feel like this?!? I wondered as I settled into my seat, cheeks hurting from smiling so much.  I never found a clear answer or a reason for the unexpected burst of emotion, but those 10 seconds of the Incredible India advertisement catalyzed a subconscious response that reminded me of one thing, and one thing only: I love India.  And sometimes, believe me, a reminder like that is much-needed.

I took this photo in Kerala the first of this year, and it very well could have been taken from an Incredible India advertisement.  Kerala is known as "God's Own Country".

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